Does Fighting For Your Justice Help?

The fight to end Islamophobia may appear like a never ending battle, one in which conforming or remaining silent seem to be the only option. However, we at CAIR-NY are here to show you that challenging Islamophobic acts does make a difference. To name but a few examples:

  • A college student, Fatoumata Camara, was punched and called names by a mob of teenagers while on her way home. Though she reported the incident to the NYPD, they never conducted a proper investigation. CAIR-NY then initiated a pressure campaign, which resulted in the NYPD’s public announcement that they had reopened the case, and were investigating the matter as a hate crime.

  • Students at Manhattan College were not provided appropriate accommodations for prayers and Jummah, despite repeated requests. CAIR-NY stepped in to remind the school of its legal obligations, and the students were given the religious space they needed.

  • A hijab-wearing highschool student joined JROTC, but the organization refused to give her a uniform because of her hijab. This was a violation of the rights of the student, who had requested a religious accommodation to wear the hijab. After CAIR-NY represented the family, the JROTC not only granted the student’s accommodation request for the hijab and provided her uniform, but also granted uniforms and accommodations to other affected students.

CAIR-NY not only responds to individual cases of discrimination, but also proactively educates students in both public and private schools, religious and secular, about anti-Muslim bias and the correct ways to respond to it. Our student workshops includes information on identifying what anti-Muslim rhetoric sounds like, bullying’s different forms, what bystanders can do if they catch bullying in the act, state laws about bullying,and what action schools are required to take when they encounter bullying. Additionally, parents are informed of their legal recourse should a school fail to sufficiently address bullying of any kind.

Advocating for justice takes on many forms. It can be as simple as reporting an incident, requesting workshops or events, donating, or volunteering. You can help organizations such as CAIR-NY, that strive to enhance the understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.

CAIR-NY believes that challenging discrimination precipitates change. Together, we can help make a difference for our children today and give them a great future tomorrow.

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