Keith Ellison Op-Ed on CNN About NYPD Anti - Muslim Training Video

Congressman Keith Ellison in a CNN op – ed piece on the use of the anti – Muslim training video ‘The Third Jihad’, by the NYPD.

“The film baselessly contends that “the true agenda of much of Islam in America” is to “infiltrate and dominate America,” smearing a religion that has been part of this country since its founding. Incidents like these sound the alarm on the need for greater transparency and oversight of counterterrorism training at all levels of government.

The NYPD’s use of “The Third Jihad” is disturbing because it leaves officers with the impression that American Muslims are the enemy, not an ally against terrorism. This notion hurts the ability of law enforcement to do its job. No one knows this better than the brave officers who have stood up to such bigotry – it was NYPD officers who objected to the screening of the film, just as it was FBI agents who recently objected to using equally harmful training materials at the bureau.”

Via: CNN Blogs

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